We have a strategic location in the Bay of Algeciras, uninterrupted service with extensive time coverage, guarded vehicle parking and professional diesel supply for our customers.


Datos de contacto:

  • Pol. Industrial Guadarranque, Parcela 2
    San Roque, 11360 Cádiz (España)
  • Tel.: +34 956 611 033
  • Fax: +34 956 611 129
  • euconsa.sanroque@euconsa.es
  • Coordenadas GPS:
    Latitud 36º 12′ 16″ Norte
    Longitud 5º 24′ 50″ Oeste
  • Proyección UTM 30N, ETRS 89
    X: 282.984,03
    Y: 4.009.335,61